How to do and deliver a Competitive Landscape Analysis?In the ever-evolving landscape of Product Management, staying aware of the competition is a must. A key strategy to achieve this is by…Aug 24, 2023Aug 24, 2023
The basics of SEO for Product ManagersSEO is all about making sure your website appears as high as possible in Google’s search results. The higher you rank, the more likely…Nov 8, 2022Nov 8, 2022
The Psychology behind great DesignPsychology is an essential tool for understanding human behavior and how people interact with digital products.Nov 7, 2022Nov 7, 2022
How to manage your Product backlog in Notion.Nowadays we have so many different tools that make our life easy, there’s no excuse in using Excel anymore 🙃 just kidding, you can use…Mar 30, 2022Mar 30, 2022
How to handoff your designs to Eng/Dev?Just recently I joined a new project with a big company who I would have thought had their design process already in place, but no. Just…Mar 30, 20212Mar 30, 20212
5 design examples I like the most from my saved folderIn life, I’ve sometimes seen features in products or UI elements in designs that I really find to be implemented beautifully and so smooth…Aug 31, 2020Aug 31, 2020
What is the UX buffet effect and how Facebook uses it on all of us.How many times a day have you opened Facebook because you had X notifications? How many were actually notifications that you cared about…Aug 20, 2020Aug 20, 2020
My whole process process before launching an indie project.Para la gente que me conoce esto no es novedad, pero a mí me gusta crear proyectos, desde antes de graduarme he estado emprendiendo y es…Jun 28, 2020Jun 28, 2020